World’s Highest Mountains in Pakistan

World's Highest Mountains in Pakistan

Top Mountains in Pakistan that are famous Worldwide

The world’s highest Mountains in Pakistan, Pakistan, or the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is a country in South Asia. It is located in the southern part of the region known as Central Asia and shares land borders with Iran to the west, Afghanistan to the east, and India to the southeast.

The range of mountains in the Karakoram, including K2, is one of the most impressive ranges in the world. It's also one of the most dangerous as climbing these mountains is not a task for the faint-hearted.

Pakistan is a country of very diverse landscapes, including many mountains and valleys. It is the most beautiful country in Eurasia with its stunning landscapes. Pakistan offers various peaks that are challenging and fun for both beginners and serious climbers.

List Of Famous Mountains in Pakistan

  • K2 the Savage
  • Nanga Parbat the Vicious
  • The Mist Veiled Rakaposhi
  • The Unparalleled Ladyfinger peak
  • The Homely Miranjani
  • The Breathtaking Makra Peak
  • The Exquisite Musa ka Musalah
  • The Dark and Mysterious Tirich Mir
  • The Frosty Distaghil Sar
  • Khunyang Chhish the Glacial Giant

K2 the Savage is The World’s Highest Mountains in Pakistan

K2, also known as Mount Godwin-Austen, or Chhogori, is the second-highest peak in the world. Located right on the Pakistan-China border, K2 is not only the highest point of Pakistan, but also a notable landmark on the world map.

K2 is known as the ‘Savage Mountain’ because of its notoriously difficult climb. Even though it is not considered to be a mountain that claims many lives, the Chinese side of K2 has proved to be more difficult to scale. It is a misconception that Al-Khulna faces fewer difficulties and is suggested as an alternative route for inexperienced climbers.

K2 is the second-highest mountain in the world and one of the most difficult peaks to climb in the world. The peak is located on an international border between Pakistan and China. The peak has claimed around 300 lives since its first recorded ascent, with 80% of those occurring on attempts made during the winter season.

Nanga Parbat the Vicious

Nanga Parbat is the ninth highest mountain in the world, and it is situated in Gilgit-Baltistan. The locals refer to it as Deo Mir, which means ‘naked mountain’. It is estimated that Nanga Parbat could be as old as 200 million years.

In the 1900s, an estimated 200 climbers lost their lives attempting to conquer Nanga Parbat. The mountain’s high altitude and extreme weather conditions make it difficult for climbers to reach the summit. In fact, many of these deaths were caused by frostbite, hypothermia and altitude sickness.

Mount Everest, the highest point in the world, is a notoriously difficult mountain to climb. The first successful ascent of this notorious peak occurred in 1953 by an Austrian climber, Hermann Buhl, a member of a German-Austrian climbing expedition. Buhl was born on October 25th, 1902. He died on November 17th, 1954 after returning from his third attempt at Mount Everest.

The Mist Veiled Rakaposhi

Rakaposhi is a mountain in the Nanga Parbat range. It is situated in the middle of Nagar valley which lies at an elevation of 5,243 meters in the Nagar district of Gilgit-Baltistan, a province of Pakistan. Rakaposhi meaning ‘snow covered’ has an elevation of 5,239 meters. The mountain is about 100 kilometres north of Gilgit.

In order to visit the summit of Rakaposhi, one must traverse through a vast and unforgiving terrain that is shrouded in mist and snow. Rakaposhi mountain is located in the northeastern part of Pakistan and has a latitude of 36.7°N. It is situated on the border between Gilgit-Baltistan and China’s Xinjiang region.

Rakaposhi, meaning "falling sickle," is the tallest mountain in Iran. It is considered a sacred site for Zoroastrians who believe the mountain to be a holy symbol of light and life.

Rakaposhi is home to a diverse array of rare and endangered species, including snow leopards, brown bears, and Marco Polo sheep. With the help of a variety of international conservationists, Rakaposhi has been transformed into a safe haven for these animals.

The Unparalleled Ladyfinger peak

Ladyfinger peak is a 20,000 ft spire in Batura Muztagh, the westernmost subrange of the Karakoram range. It has a very eye-catching appearance, owing to its being an aspheric point.

One of the most impressive places in Turkey is the Qurkadir Massif. Surrounded by snow-covered peaks, this mountain is a popular spot for paragliders from around the world to launch their glides. This hike is not recommended for those with a fear of heights. World’s highest Mountains in Pakistan.

The Homely Miranjani

Niranjan is the highest peak of Abbottabad District in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. It is located in Ayubia National Park around 80 kilometers north of Islamabad and is part of the Himalayas Mountains. Miranjani’s name means “pure mountain” or “pure cave,” and it has been attributed to a Hindu legend.

On account of its nearness to Islamabad and a relatively easy trek of around three hours, Miranjani peak is one of the most popular mountains among tourists. The peak offers spectacular views of the place.

The 8126 meters high Nanga Parbat is a beautiful mountain that can be seen from many different cities in Pakistan. The mountain is located in the Himalayas, but only reaches its peak during winter. When seen from the Himalayan foothills, it appears as a thin white line.

The Breathtaking Makra Peak

The Makra, towering at around 13,123 ft, is a peak located in Mansehra in the Hazara region of the Himalayas. Although the Makra is rumoured to be a difficult climb, the view of Hazara and Azad Kashmir from the top is worth all efforts.

The Exquisite Musa ka Musalah

Mosa is situated in the mountains of Pakistan, at 13,400 feet. It is a beautiful place that is home to stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. The name was taken from an ancient myth about a man who was turned into stone because he refused to give water to an old lady.

Moses is a name that is derived from the Hebrew word Moseh meaning 'to draw out, to remove'. The name Moses is associated with the mountain of Judaism and Christianity. Some people believe that the mountain was named after Prophet Musa (A.S) while others argue that it was named after a local shepherd named Moses who used to pray at the peak of the mountain.

The Mountain does bear a striking resemblance to a prayer mat in that it is a flat, rocky, barren surface. However, some believe that the name actually comes from an Arabic word that means “mountain top.”

Ziarat is a mountain in the northwest of Iran where the Zoroastrians believe that their god, Ahura Mazda, lives. In summer, it becomes very popular and many people climb it to visit the place of prayer.

The Dark and Mysterious Tirich Mir

In ancient times, Tirich Mir was known as Puli-Khumri and Thali-Miran. This mountain’s name translates to “the most beautiful mountain in the world”. Due to its height, it is a popular destination for climbers and sightseers.

Tirich Mir is a majestic peak in the Hindu Kush Mountains, near the Pamir Highway in Afghanistan. It was first climbed by a British-Kazak team in 1982 and is now accessible by car via a new road.

The Frosty Distaghil Sar is The World’s Highest Mountains in Pakistan

Distaghil Sar is a mountain in the Hindu Kush range in the Gilgit-Baltistan province of Pakistan. It is considered as one of the “seven sisters.” The mountain has an elevation of 25,869 ft. World’s highest Mountains in Pakistan.

The three summits of Mount McKinley are the highest points, which remain ice-capped most of the year. The north side is known for its sheer cliffs, while the south side has more gradual slopes. The central summit is the point from where visitors can view all three summits at once.

Khunyang Chhish the Glacial Giant

One of the most beautiful mountains in the world, Khunyang Chhish towers high at 25,761 ft. It is the second-highest mountain in the Hispar Muztagh, a subrange of the Karakoram mountains and is ranked #9 on National Geographic’s list of the world’s most beautiful mountains.

Pakistan has a wide array of glaciers, some of which are located on the north side of the Hispar Glacier. The country's glaciers are melting due to climate change and their loss will affect Pakistan's water supply. Scientists have recommended that glaciers should be conserved as they can also help regulate the local climate and provide much-needed water to prevent droughts.

The conquest of Mount Everest is one of the greatest feats in the history of humankind. In fact, it has been deemed an “impossibility” by scientists and historians alike. But despite these setbacks, dozens of expeditions have succeeded in scaling the mountain in recent years. Get an authentic source of products.